In my essay I am exploring the use of the book as an emotional object and looking at our attachment to certain books. I'd love to hear your opinions or if you have a few minutes spare and would like join in tell me which book , if any, you have an attachment to. I don't mean one you just read or enjoyed but something that has strong meaning for you.
For me (tho I have several) it is a particular edition of Hans Anderson Fairy Tales which I owned as a child. I don't know what happened to it but I still search the junk shops for that exact edition. I can remember the musty smell, the colour of the cover, the loose pages and the memory of reading it under the bedcovers by torchlight. Another would be Maisie Middleton which I read to my daughter every night when she was little, for probably more than a year ..I can still recite it from memory. I would be great if you would send me a photo or scan of your book cover (tho don't worry if not)and a line about where or when you acquired it and what it means to you. As well as being incredibly helpful to my research I would like to include them in a book... only with permission of course. ..thanks in anticipation K :o)
Yesterday all the full and part time Book Arts students got together and gave presentations of previous work and talked about their proposals. The work shown was impressive and varied. I was especially excited to see so many textile pieces. I was second up to speak and managed actually fill my full five minutes compared to a measly two and a half last year. Today we (PT2) installed our work in Camberwell Library and then had our essay tutorials. Mine went better than I expected and I actually feel like I am on track.
Tomorrow I am having a day away from essays and visiting some galleries , first the Wellcome Collection's 'Miracles and Charm's then Grayson Perry at the British Museum.. there will be quite a lot of stops for tea and cake too I should imagine . Happy days. Came across this at the made me smile. We had our group essay tutorial this week. It wasn't as bad as I had thought but I realise I really need to focus on getting the question right as it is that which holds the essay together. Mine is (or will be) about the emotional attachment some people have to books .
This week I put out a call on facebook for friends to write a line or two about a book to which they are emotionally attached and what associations it holds for them. I've had some lovely responses.. which are generating a lot of ideas... but more of this at a later date. I have a busy week or two ahead with a presentation of work to the new MA students and the installation by part timers for our end of year show, 'Overdue'. After that the essay is due end of November plus have to make work for the Artbookart show in December at the White Wall Space Gallery in Leigh... and then somewhere in there is Christmas... There is only one thing to do under the circumstances... go play with paper. I escaped to the studio for this morning and left my essay notes behind. I spent the day drawing... something I don't do often enough these days.. and it was so good to lose myself in work.
I had made some cyanotypes in the summer.. old photos of my sister and I when we were little. The idea didn't seem quite complete . I was thinking how we become blueprints for the next generation and they become the carbon copies. I've made a box to file them in...together they become an unbound book of sorts. I started back at Camberwell College of Arts last week for the second year of an MA in Book Arts. As much as I couldn't wait to get back I am dreading the essay which is due in November. I have worked hard through the summer, have enough material for three essays and yet I am still stuck and sit here with my aching brain full of essay soup.
A blog, I thought, might be a great way to warm up for the big stuff ..but what should I write? Then I remembered this.. “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.." Arthur Ashe |
Karen AppsI'm following my bliss. Archives
July 2023